
one step at a time...

Hey Everybody! I have a theory that it's generally easier for girls to blog then guys; at least about "life" stuff. Guys could go on forever about concrete/knowledge-based concepts, but typing about one's touchy feely stuff gets a bit more difficult. I may just prove myself wrong.

We had our first ultrasound on Friday, which was AMAZING. We barely saw the heartbeat, but we did see it. (I know I wasn't imagining it.) This time is kind of an odd mix of excitement and perseverance though I know the challenging times haven't even come yet. Sarah is still feeling extremely tired every day. She's not able to enjoy things as much due to her ill feelings; work is also more difficult. Please pray for grace as she endures these next few weeks of time when it's normal to feel crappy.

I also had an interview last Thursday at my current company. This position would be more interesting, more challenging and would also be better financially. Please pray for the Lord's will in this and direction/guidance/wisdom if I don't get it.

Thank you for caring and for reading this. We truly appreciate all of our friends.


Anonymous said...

Good to see you on here Matt! I'm confident that you will make a good blogger. And definitely will be keeping you in our prayers concerning the possible new position.

Sarah, hang in there...2nd trimester, with lots more energy and ability to fully enjoy food again, is just around the corner.


Anonymous said...

Hey Matt and Sarah! Jeremy and I are so excited for you both. We had our first ultrasound on Friday too! Isn't it amazing the technology they have now adays so you can see things like a tiny baby inside of you! It's definitely awe-inspiring to see what God is doing inside of you!
Becky M.