Sarah and I were shocked and amazed at our most recent ultrasound! I can't believe how the "bean" has been growing! It's nice to see this and think THAT is why my wife has been feeling so crappy! I can't believe it, it's a little person. Hopefully you can see the spine on the right and the head, face tilted down, and hand right under the face. It makes me realize even more that there is a person there. It is amazing...
On another and less miraculous note, I'm a bachelor until Tuesday night. Sarah went to Chicago this morning to visit Stephanie A. and her sister. She'll then spend some time in Michigan and be back home by Sat. night. Tonight is the first night in almost two and a half years of marriage that we'll be apart! It's good for us, but I miss her. :)
you're so sweet!!! I love you!
Still think the baby looks more like Matt so far... :)
Great picture, kind of looks like Baby K is praying (maybe for his/her mama who can't quite kick this morning sickness / fatigue).
Can't wait to meet him or her -- October will be here before you know it!
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