Spring time is almost here! It hasn't felt like it until today, with all that crappy rain last week. (Okay, maybe some people like it). That means we're going to get some flowers for our little apartment deck garden. I wasn't quite into the idea a couple years ago, but now if feels like a Spring thing that Sarah and I can do together, almost a tradition. I also think it's sweet that she's into flowers. :)
We attended a butt-kickingly awesome marriage seminar at Waypoint this weekend. A lot of it we've heard before, but it was nice to hear again. Some things we hadn't heard before, and we'll add them to our knowledge base. It was especially nice to hear couples who've been married a long time to share things they've struggled with. It's really encouraging to me to see couples that have been married over 30 years and are not only happy, but care enough to share that with younger generations.
We're looking forward to another week, but hopefully one with more seasonally appropriate weather. Sarah has only a few (5, 6?) weeks of school left and she'll then officially become a stay-at-home mom. (Or is that title not applicable until the baby is actually born?) I look forward to her planting flowers and getting some time to relax before he/she is born. Happy Spring....
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