i was reading The Cry (put out by Word Made Flesh) yesterday, and part of it hit home. i thought i'd share part of it..
Chris Heuertz wrote: "it goes without saying that as long as our actions are a response to our love for Christ, we are obedient. we can be obedient in washing the feet of one with leprosy, visting young children held captive in brothels or feeding the elephants at the zoo. in recognizing love for God as the motivation for our actions, our obedience becomes a sign of our humility"
it makes more sense and has more impact with the rest of the article (titled Intimacy, Obedience, Humility in the winter 2006 issue). basically, he echoed Matthew Anderson's words when he said that following the will of God is not like "walking the tightrope". if our hearts are fully His, and we long to please him, then we will inevitably be following his will.
deep thoughts on a thursday morning. i'll probably post something quite a bit lighter later on.. something to make you think.
it's good to be back. hopefully this time i can keep it up along with school..
ah, winter... the rain, the sleet, the ice.
i miss winter in montana. it was cold and snowy. no wind, little ice, rarely sleet. it was beautiful.
it's hard to believe Christmas is only a few days away. i'm looking forward to it more this year than usual.. my sister comes in tomorrow or friday, Stephie's coming to stay with us through the weekend, my cousin and wife and their little one will be here sometime next week. it's time for family! and good friends. the main thing missing is seeing my montana friends; although, i think last summer may be the last time i get to see them. such is life in this place i suppose. i'm getting tired of goodbyes...
something else to look forward to: celebrating one year with my wonderful, sweet husband! only a couple weeks away..
i miss winter in montana. it was cold and snowy. no wind, little ice, rarely sleet. it was beautiful.
it's hard to believe Christmas is only a few days away. i'm looking forward to it more this year than usual.. my sister comes in tomorrow or friday, Stephie's coming to stay with us through the weekend, my cousin and wife and their little one will be here sometime next week. it's time for family! and good friends. the main thing missing is seeing my montana friends; although, i think last summer may be the last time i get to see them. such is life in this place i suppose. i'm getting tired of goodbyes...
something else to look forward to: celebrating one year with my wonderful, sweet husband! only a couple weeks away..

I wanted to share some pictures from our trip to Michigan. my friend Ranae (who is from Michigan) gets a bit peeved with me when i call what's in these pictures the ocean... i wonder why? it sure looks like the ocean. :)

sisers... ah, yes. some things never do change.

the husband and the sister. they really do like each other. just look at the smiles!

a new favorite... but as Kate asked: is he kissing me, or pushing me into the lake?
new place, new look
it's back, and it's better than ever! i spent way too much time this morning chaning colors and fonts and wording and such. the good news is i got paid for it. i'm at work, and it's quieter than normal, so i took advantage of the situation! now i just have to make sure people can find me at my new address..
i'm done with school for a while, so things have slowed down a lot. i'm still super busy (or course; it is america), but i don't feel as stressed or overwhelmed. it ended up being an excellent semester; i loved my courses, and i made some really great new friends.
it's going to be interesting to see what next year brings. this was a year full of new beginnings, a new way of life, and struggling through a lot of hard things. it was also a year of blessings. new friends. growing closer to old friends. learning what it means to be a wife. finding a family in TN leadership. and so much more.
i'm looking forward to a new year. i can't wait to see where He takes us...
i'm done with school for a while, so things have slowed down a lot. i'm still super busy (or course; it is america), but i don't feel as stressed or overwhelmed. it ended up being an excellent semester; i loved my courses, and i made some really great new friends.
it's going to be interesting to see what next year brings. this was a year full of new beginnings, a new way of life, and struggling through a lot of hard things. it was also a year of blessings. new friends. growing closer to old friends. learning what it means to be a wife. finding a family in TN leadership. and so much more.
i'm looking forward to a new year. i can't wait to see where He takes us...