
perfect night

i had the perfect night last night. i got home, when for a two and a half mile run/walk, showered, and waited for my hubby to get home. i got dressed, did my hair, and put on makeup, getting hungrier every minute. we headed out to redeem one of our Christmas gift cards.. to my favorite restaurant! PFChang's... you just can't go wrong. after drinking mango iced tea and eating lettuce wraps, our meals came out.... mmmmm..... i just can't say anymore. it was too good for words (i'm feeling a bit dramatic this morning if you couldn't tell).

we walked around the mall a bit, then headed to the store for some Nyquil (gotta love those winter colds). then out to coldstone, where we shared a "love it" size of cheesecake ice cream with strawberries mixed in. finally, we headed home to watch a couple episodes of friends. we laughed harder than i'd like to admit.. i don't know what it is about that show that gets me so bad.

it was the perfect evening together. nothing super out of the ordinary, just good time connecting and being with one another. i couldn't ask for more.

the surprise of the evening: somewhere in the midst of all that, Matt slipped something in my pocket. he had used his Christmas and birthday money to get me what i've been talking about for months. that's right, he got me an iPod. the green one. just what i wanted. i couldn't believe it. i'm still pretty much in shock... and loving every second of it.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

I recommend one of those at least once a month...the evening together, not the I-Pod.

Can't wait to check it out, though will warn you that Ryan will probably give you a bit of a hard time about owning one (he is a jukebox fan).