
quote of the day

quote of the day - credit given to my co-worker Peter:

"embrace your weirdness. your life will be a much happier one"


one ending, another beginning

it's official.
no more terra nova.
we had the last meeting last night. i think it started to sink in, but not completely.
it sunk in that we would never be in that room, with that group of people, with Ben leading worship and Matthew at the pulpit.
the deeper reality that hit me.. something i haven't thought about at all really..
no more Trinity.
i was born there.
i guess i always assumed i would die there as well.
it's an amazing church. a church that will be hard to say goodbye to, especially since we'll still be in Omaha. but i know it's for the better. it's for something amazing, something the Lord has put heavy on our hearts.

every joy comes with a little sorrow. i don't mean that as pessimistic as it sounds; it's just part of life in a fallen world i guess.
but when the sorrow is embraced as a part of the Lord's plan, the joy that follows is that much more joyous.

"weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning"


if you're not busy saturday night (May 12), you should come to this!
specifically, you should come at 8:15. that's when Matt's playing some of this stuff.
and he's good.
his part alone is worth the five bucks! (okay, so maybe i'm bias. but he really is good, i promise)



thank the Lord, i am DONE!!
i am officially finished with the hardest semester of my undergraduate degree.
i have one summer class that starts on monday. then i have four classes come august.. and compared to this semester, all the classes promise to be easy as pie.
but since i don't like pie, i'll just say as easy as a bowl of ice cream.

we had an amazing talk with Matthew a couple nights ago.
i asked him to pray for my lungs.. i've been having a really hard time breathing for a couple of weeks now. i went to the doctor on wednesday, and she informed me that my lung capacity was way down, and my blood-oxygen level was about 5% lower than it should be. as Matthew prayed, my lungs felt like they were burning. it was really weird, but really cool. i'm breathing better today than i have for a long time.. thank God!! :)
after he prayed, we ended up talking with him for a really long time. it was just what we needed. he knows how to empathize and offer advice that makes sense and is easy to apply.
i can't wait for Waypoint. i'm excited to follow him into a dream.