i remember him looking me in the eye about 6 years ago and saying, "Sarah, the Lord wants to give you your joy back". and He did! i believe he spoke a prophetic word that night - a word that brought me to tears with a smile on my face.
he came to my high school graduation party. he prayed for me on every missions trip i've ever gone on. he supported me with his prayers the whole time i spent in Montana. he came to my wedding. he gave me a huge smile and giant hug every time i was lucky enough to run into him.
he will be sorely missed. i grieve mostly for his wife, Virginia; they would have celebrated their 52nd wedding anniversary on the 10th of this month. so many years sharing your life with another - how would you learn to live apart from him?
i'm torn between opposing emotions - i'm sad to have lost such a man from earth. i'm sad i'll never be able to see or talk to him again (on this side of heaven).
but i'm happy - happy that he's home. that he's where he's longed to be.
and a bit jealous - i always feel a little that way when someone who loves the Lord goes to be with Him.
a tribute to Del Dale: husband, father to many (3 biological; countless spiritual), friend, mentor.
he will be missed.
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